Who We Are
Weatherhill Pointe Homeowner's Association
Anyone owning a lot at Weatherhill Point is
A member of the Homeowners’ Association
Urged to attend the annual meeting held in February and
Entitled to vote in all issues brought to the floor at the annual meeting, including representation on the Board.
The Board of Weatherhill Pointe Homeowners’ Association (WPHA) is established according to the articles of incorporation “…to provide for maintenance, preservation and architectural control of the residence lots and common areas…”
The Board’s Mission Statement
“It is the goal of the WPHA board to promote the right of all residents to live in a safe and attractive neighborhood, where the individual is respected and, at the same time, the life of the total community is enhanced. Accordingly, the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Weatherhill Pointe safeguards the individual homeowner’s rights while promoting the overall good of the community.”
The Board of the Homeowners’ Association meets monthly and consists of six (6) persons elected to staggered three-year terms of office. The board itself designates a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, landscaping point-of-contact and member at large. Their names are posted in the glassed- enclosed bulletin Board above the mailboxes at the Kiosk. Residents of the community wishing to attend the monthly meeting of the board should contact the president for a place on the agenda.
community wishing to attend the monthly meeting of the board should contact the president for a place on the agenda.