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Weatherhill Pointe
Parking Policy

The Board of the Homeowners Association, recognizing its primary task to maintain property values of owners in the community, provides this update of current regulations and procedures on our private streets, where regulation of parking falls under the jurisdiction of the Association.

 Because the streets of Weatherhill Pointe are narrow, and because a number of homes (15%) are rentals with multiple tenants, parking has increasingly become an issue in recent years.  The 2022 Board, with almost three decades of combined service, has experienced situations in which disorderly parking has damaged the value of homeowners’ properties in resale or actually caused cancellation of pending sales.  Therefore, everyone should take special care not to overburden parking on the property, not only for the sake of their neighbors but also for the sake of their own investment. 


In enforcing provisions of the Covenants and the parking rules, the Association may employ warning letters or violation stickers or both.  Habitual or persistent violators will, after all other remedies have been exhausted, be subject to towing at their own expense.  Parking regulations apply, moreover, not only to owners but also to their families, tenants and guests.

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